
Develop These Skills for Digital Marketing In 2022

Marketing has undergone a seismic shift with the growth of online users on digital platforms. The pandemic has shown us how everything can go virtual, and several people have tried their hand and been successful in building their careers and brand through digital marketing. There are certain skills you need to elevate your game to keep up with the times or even seek a career in this field to attract and interact with customers.  Market Research Digital marketers need to rely on strong analytic capabilities to know the right kind of audiences and determine the type of creatives and social ads that could best appeal to them. Besides, marketers must remain ahead of the curve and gain insights about the latest trends on social media platforms to measure what social campaigns drive traffic and orders. Content Marketing Content marketers must generate high-quality and unique content to stand out from their competitors. They must acquire the skill to diversify content around various social ch

To Be A Good Pal ...

 I nervously held the water bottle in my hand and said goodbye to my parents. It was my first day in the academy. I walked to my classroom and sat on one of the unoccupied seats.  A girl entered the class and came. 'Umm, what's your name?' I asked her mustering up some courage. 'I am Monika, the monitor of this class.... hey, just so you know, if you talk or misbehave in class, I will have to give your name to the teacher!' Monika said and walked away. The tiny bit of confidence which I had gathered inside me, vanished on hearing her words. Four classes went by in a haze after which I tagged along with the girls towards the assembly hall during recess. I sat quietly, dreaming of my old friends and old school where I belonged. This place was alien. Suddenly, a girl's voice was interrupted my reverie. 'Hey, you look lost. Don't worry, next year you will be sitting here with us, having fun and telling this to another new girl!'  She introduced herself a

You Eat What You See

Have you ever wondered why we end buying vegetables and fruits of bright colours? The science of how colour influences our taste buds is very interesting, especially when it comes to eating, the science is worth understanding! Blue Colour Blue colour has less existence in nature which is why it suppresses your appetite and you end eating less. Now you know what you have to do if you are on a diet plan just use blue plates, blue lights and may some blue food. Bright Colours The vegetables and fruits which are bright in colour indicate they are high in nutrition and flavour. We tend to buy fruits with bright colours, the reason they are more appealing and we are forced to think that they are sweet in taste. White Colour White food tricks us into mindless overeating because white is associated with being empty and harmless. Maybe that is the reason why you eat a lot of vanilla ice cream and popcorns! White is sneaky too, When we tend to eat on white plates food appears to taste better tha

A Friend Found

 Ragging someone and being a bully has never appealed to me. New students are as it is scared and insecure, and on top of that tormenting them doesn't seem like such a great idea. But to my utter dislike, my friend Archana enjoyed it more than anything. The moment she got to know that a new kid had settled in her dormitory, she would be itching to harass the poor kid. Karishma the new student in our class had just arrived. She was short and fair; her plaited hair hung untidily till her waist and her skirt covered her knees. She had a grating voice and every time she spoke, it hurt the ears. It wasn't very easy to sympathize with her when Archana tyrannized her. She was made to do all of Archana's laundry, her homework, make her bed, wake her up for morning PE class. If she didn't do any of these she was made to go through hell. Sometimes, I too gave her my math and physics homework, which I must say she did very efficiently. One thing to her credit was that she took all

Friends Indeed

 I entered my class, it was dark and quiet except for the rustling of the crisp autumn leaves outside the classroom. It was a 'make-up' exam and only two of us were appearing for it as we had missed the actual exam due to illness. None of my friends would be around during this exam and I realized how much I missed the familiar faces. I had never crossed the gate alone; We were always hanging out together - laughing, teasing, shouting at one another, and making plans. French was always a big struggle for me and on top of this, I was all alone today. A chilly gust of wind entered the room and I shivered as I sat down on the cold desk. I glanced nervously through my notes. It was the final exam and I was nervous. The other candidate walked in. 'Hey! don't look so worried,' she remarked. 'The exam won't be as difficult as you imagine.' She ruffled her hair and took her seat. What is wrong with me? So what if I am alone this time? I have spent two hours here,

Fairy Tales

      The first story that I can remember being read to me was Little Red Riding Hood. Little girls, all three would sit on her father's knee, wide-eyed with wonder, listening. ' Go to sleep, my angel, I'll read the rest of the story out to you tomorrow, otherwise, Wee Willie Winky come and get you. He doesn't like children who are up past their bedtime, my father would say. I would shudder at the thought of horrid Wee Willie Winky and then fall asleep thinking of Red Riding Hood and her beautiful brown basket full of goodies, her polished black shoes, her oh-so-pretty dress, her light brown hair, and rosy cheeks..... 'Wake up, sleepyhead. Today I'm going to tell you the story about a magic golden dragon.' 'Really? Where does it live, Baba?' 'Oh, it lives here, but you cant see it. It is afraid of human beings, so it won't appear in front of you. But you know the Golden Dragon loves broccoli. If you don't finish yours, it'll eat it al

Impossible is Nothing

Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly.                                                                                                                                                           -Unknown A day I can never forget. It was the day of our school's Inter-house football competition. Our house had qualified the previous day and was in the finals. I, being the captain of the team, could not miss this match. Unfortunately, that very day, I was down with 103-degree fever.                    That morning at home, there was a huge argument about my going to school. Much to my dismay my grandfather and parents won, forcing me to stay at home. I had to stay in bed all day covered with a blanket, allowed only to sit up for my meals.                     Throughout the day I kept on thinking about my team and the match. Our house had some of the best players, but one of them was injured. If I too didn't show up, we would surely lose the finals.