You Eat What You See

Have you ever wondered why we end buying vegetables and fruits of bright colours? The science of how colour influences our taste buds is very interesting, especially when it comes to eating, the science is worth understanding!

Blue Colour

Blue colour has less existence in nature which is why it suppresses your appetite and you end eating less. Now you know what you have to do if you are on a diet plan just use blue plates, blue lights and may some blue food.

Bright Colours

The vegetables and fruits which are bright in colour indicate they are high in nutrition and flavour. We tend to buy fruits with bright colours, the reason they are more appealing and we are forced to think that they are sweet in taste.

White Colour

White food tricks us into mindless overeating because white is associated with being empty and harmless. Maybe that is the reason why you eat a lot of vanilla ice cream and popcorns! White is sneaky too, When we tend to eat on white plates food appears to taste better than darker.

Mc Donald's - Yellow and Red

Mc Donald's hoardings are in yellow and red colour for a reason. They spend a lot in their marketing part and that is why yellow and red colours are chosen. The red and yellow colour makes us crave for junk food even more. The colour red stimulates appetite, energy and excitement whereas the yellow colour connotes happiness, optimism and friendliness. Also it is most visible colour to human eye during day times. So wherever you see a large yellow 'M' floating on a read background, know that it is just their marketing strategy.

Easily Fooled

When you see a coloured drink, you automatically decide the flavours, like yellow drink with Mango flavour, orange drink with orange flavour and similarly other colours. So if you taste a cherry drink dyed with orange colour, you will unwillingly think that it is an orange drink.

Colours and Lights

Colours and lighting plays a major role on people, so the restaurants have to focus on this part a lot. Like, if a dining room has only red neon lights, a rare steak would appear whitish while salads would have an unappetizing black or dark grey colour. Most restaurants use light-coloured plates since they make the food look fresher and more appetizing and because cleanliness is usually associated with the color white(which is also light). Blue and turquoise coloured backgrounds are often used in restaurants since they make meats and other coloured food look brighter.

Green leafy vegetables are highly advisable and colour is a major factor! They are packed with minerals, vitamins and are low in calories. Make sure you soak vegetables in normal or gentle warm water for an hour before you cut them and cook to take care of those toxins and chemicals.


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